AWS has grown drastically in past years and the growth is going to continue in the coming years also. If you’re already have working experience and want to get AWS certified then preparing for certification helps you to strengthen your skills and knowledge even more. If you’re newbie then learning AWS from scratch and getting certified provides you a solid foundation for your career.
Certification exams are more challenging and the test is for your "real world" experience with a technology, whether you can successfully perform the tasks required in the identified job role as you are doing. But in a certification examination the tests for both the knowledge developed from your past practical experience, and also topics covered by multiple module throughout the knowledge. Preparation Guides are available for every certification exam and also, we are helping with the sharing of some questions and their answers from our blog. You can refer the questions and answers from here Questionnaire Part 1 Certified Solutions Architect Associate Level Answers are at the bottom of the question, try to memorize those questions and answers hope those will help you to clear your concepts and fundamentals for a certification examination
AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exam New Questions and Answers
Question: What does Amazon EC2 provide?
Answer: Virtual servers in the Cloud
Question: Amazon SWF is designed to help users____
Answer: Coordinate synchronous and asynchronous tasks which are distributed and fault-tolerant
Question: Can I control if and when MySQL based RDS Instance is upgraded to new supported versions?
Answer: Yes
Question: If I modify a DB Instance or the DB parameter group associated with the instance, should I reboot the instance for the changes to take effect?
Answer: Yes
Question: By default, EBS volumes that are created and attached to an instance at launch are deleted when that instance is terminated. You can modify this behavior by changing the value of the flag____ to false when you launch the instance.
Answer: DeleteOnTermination
Question: What are the initial settings of a user created security group?
Answer: Allow no inbound traffic and Allow all outbound traffic
Question: Will my standby RDS instance be in the same Region as my primary?
Answer: Yes
Question: What does Amazon Elastic Beanstalk provide?
Answer: An application container on top of Amazon Web Services
Question: True or False
When using IAM to control access to your RDS resources, the key names that can be used are case sensitive. For
AWS: CurrentTime is NOT equivalent to AWS: current-time
Answer: TRUE
Question: What will be the status of the snapshot until the snapshot is complete?
Answer: Pending
Question: Can we attach an EBS volume to more than one EC2 instance at the same time?
Answer: No
Question: True or False
Automated backups are enabled by default for a new DB Instance
Answer: TRUE
Question: What does the AWS Storage Gateway provide?
Answer: It allows integrating on-premises IT environments with Cloud Storage
Question: Amazon RDS automated backups and DB Snapshots are currently supported for only the ____ storage engine.
Answer: InnoDB
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